The Simfest dispatch Centre is a work in progress. The changes in each version are listed below.
- Updated World Flight Import to support Planning Portal
- Updated RIM for ENHF, EFRO
- Updated to fix null errors in preperation for new dispatch site.
- Updated RIM for ENNO, ESNU, ENTC
- Loadsheet Values now Consistent between Reloads of page
- Loadsheet Values stored in Database for BACARS to use in future updates
- Start of iPad App Integration (OFP and Loadsheet)
- Fix to Email Address in SQL Query for iPad App
- Fix for LBS on Loadsheet
- Cirrus Wind Uplink Support For Future BACARS Use
- WF 2019 Routes Update
- Contingency Value on Fuel List now shows correctly if using calulated figures rather than 'MIN'
- LOWS/ESNQ/ESSA Briefing Packs Added
- Minus CONT figures now disregarded.
- Stats now shown on front page
- Several Code Tidy Ups
- Contingency fuel now added to flight plan
- Contingency fuel now correct time rather than 1 minute less
- EGCC/ENGM/LOWI Airport Briefs Added
- Arrival Gate Info Now on Schedule Page
- Added ability to override Contingency Fuel and Taxi Time from advanced plan
- Updated to add 56 airport briefings
- Added Support for Arrival Gate Information
- Added Support for GTI Airline
- Added more error checking on ETE/ATE calculations
- Added ASY and NPT Airlines
- Redirects back to Create Plan page if the briefing pack you are trying to view has expired.
- Added PLN file download link for those note using PSX
- Added support for RAAF A330.
- World Flight ATC Routes updated.
- Cont Figure now refers to preferences if no statistical info available
- Cont Figure now includes early flights
- Taxi and Cont Pct Default back to default (3%) if no stats available
- Added Stats page to view CONT Stats in the database
- Small Bug Fixes
- More Airport Briefs Added
- Added 744, 744LITE and 744ER models
- Updated Loadsheet code to cater properly for other aircraft types
- Scheduled Times now shown on OFP rather than flight planned times for ETA and ETD
- Statistical Taxi Out Times used if there are enough flights in the database
- Statistical Cont Figures now used from OOOI database if enough flights in the database
- Updated TCX Logo
- Updated Crew load per a/c type
- New dispatchers recruited
- Adding The World Flight Route will do so with the airline code selected in the dropdown at the time.
- When creating a flightplan on the World Flight route, the preferential ATC route will be used. This can be overridden on an advanced routing though.
- Added Airbus A330
- Added TCX Airline
- Buttons Returned
- Added Support for Route Information Manuals - Check out the first few world flight legs!
- Airport Briefings added for the first few world flight airports on the breifings page..Expect these to be added to
- Dry Operating Weight now correct on loadsheet
- TOW, ZFW, Landing Weights Now add up correctly on loadsheet
- Take off Fuel figure now correct on loadsheet
- Web 1.0 removed, now more web 2.0
- Centre aligned Home Image
- Updated Schedule Code Total Time calculations to handle flights that cross midnight UTC.
- Added iPad icon to briefing pack to open multiple tabs of loadsheet and OFP automatically.
- Updated preferences to remove maps option as this is now used in many areas of the system so cannot be disabled
- Updated to Add Jet2 for Team JetSim
- Resolved issues with Fuel Averages not being calculated properly if decimal place is missing
- Added Option to Add World Flight Schedule
- Cosmetic Changes to Schedule
- Added Map to Briefing List
- Supports B738,B788,B772,B773 and upinks to Sim-Avionics
- Renamed Simfest Dispatch Centre
- Another Attempt at a menu bar that fits
- Sim-Avionics Integration Started
- Menu Bar Adjusted to Fit on an iPad correctly
- Flight Plan Remarks Added to Settings Menu for VATSIM Prefile
- VATSIM Prefile now ticks the heavy box
- VATSIM Prefile now files the correct alternate rather than the destination airport
- Added Preferences to allow choosing of Map format and whether to display NOTAMs to shorten flightplan
- More Validation on Crew Names
- Corrected UI issues on Schedule Page
- Page will no longer crash if Departure or Destination airport are not found
- Removes Airline codes from the flight number field, whilst still allowing letters in the flight number.
- More validation to the flight crew times added.
- Added Singapore,Air New Zealand, Air India and Air France to the Airline options list.
- Fixed issue with invalid alternates at WSSS
- Added Link to view previous flight information
- Default Cont fuel is now 3% (source BA pilots), still overrideable in Preferences
- Edit and Delete Icons disappear when in Edit Mode
- If Departure or Destination Airport Name not found then this is stated in the name box (used for Flight Board)
- Flight Number Truncated to 4 characters in line with whats accepted by the CDU
- Added Validation checking on report times
- Cont and Reserve times set in preferences now apply to flight plans that are generated.
- More options added to Cont and Reserve drop down in preferences
- ATC Callsign moved to end of new flight window to make tabbing through easier
- ATC callsign actually saves when entering it on a new flight.
- Online Card Link now loads the runway without having to click around to get it to display.
- Loadsheet now complete
- Loadsheet download button now works
- Briefing Button corrected to show the correct wording.
- Tidy up of Schedule Page to make it more user friendly
- Headers added to all pages
- CARD Online now automatically fills in weather information from the latest METAR
- CARD Online now has a runway dropdown so you can only request CARD for runways in the database.
- Schedule now has some error checking to truncate to what is expected
- ATC callsign added to schedule as an option, if not entered then falls back to callsign override, if not falls back to flight number and airline
- VATSIM PreFile now files the correct altitude, rather than FL without the additional zeros on it
- Average Block Time, Flight Time and Fuel Burned added to Schedule Screen if data available from OOOI of all users of dispatch web.
- Alternates are automatically filled in if they are in the BA RIM database
- Supports PreFueling in PSX
MACTOW Updating supported in PSX
Flight Number Now in UpperCase
4 Alternates Now Added in simple flight plan creation
Ability to Override Alternates
V1.9.0 (BACARS 3.8.0 Required)
- Updated to allow forcing of callsign used through user options
- Other Airlines Added (VIR,UAL)